The Alvarez’s invited us to join them on an outing to Jetty Island park in Everett | While we waited to find out which ferry we’d be able to take over, the kids played in the field | There was quite a crowd, and it wasn’t clear whether we’d be able to get a ferry coming back early enough | Paine Field is not far, so it’s not unusual to see Boeing jets landing | Kites, frisbees, and tag all made the time pass quickly | But by the time our group was able to sail, the only passes left for the return were much too late for us |
So we relaxed watching some of the boaters launch their vessels | All kinds of boats were there | Then we headed to a water park not far, in south Everett | Forest Park is the oldest park in Everett, but the water playground has only been there since 2007 | Our children love these kinds of places…the water is so much fun to play with | The Singapore Tans hanging out by the wall |
Flynn and Innaias play in one of the spouts | Stomping on the jets is a popular activity | Half the fun is letting it spurt back up | Guinness works on his timing | “Be the fountain” | There is also an impressive regular playground next to the water |